Fighting click fraud is just one of the many necessary best practices to help optimize your PPC campaign. Here’s our pick of 7 must read blogs to fill in the gaps of how to optimize your PPC campaign today and improve conversion rates.

1. PPC Hero

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PPC Hero focuses on online advertising, their blog has a passion for all things PPC (pay per click). This blog is meant for a wide range of businesses.

Hanapin Marketing, a digital marketing agency centers their energy on managing optimizing paid search, paid social, and display’s programs.

PPC Hero is unique because it’s one of the few blogs that truly focuses its content on PPC strategy. The blog turns out great content every time with everything from anchor posts about click fraud to more recent posts about broadening your paid search marketing strategy, these are definitely worth a read.

2. Unbounce

unbounce conversion tool

Unbounce is another amazing source for conversion optimization content for marketers and agencies.

The name of Unbounce’s game is landing pages, landing pages, and landing pages. They make A/B testing as seamless as possible.

For us, Unbounce shines because of its user-friendly blog. When you look up a term, the search results do not only include the relevant blog posts but additionally a short and simple definition for topics all across the board. Their A/B testing fuels their posts. Although the blog still has an immense range of content like this entertaining yet interesting post about spicing up conversions by relating it to vodka martinis. Who doesn’t love a good martini?

3. ConversionXL

Conversion xl

ConversionXL hones in on CRO (conversion rate optimization) offering vast content including everything from advice to the latest research to process maps.

This blog is catered more towards e-commerce companies and is run by an agency called ConversionXL.

When it comes to CRO blogs, ConversionXL is arguably the best because they produce interesting and intriguing quality content. By choosing conversational topics such as open ended questions, this blog truly thinks outside the box, which is for us, why it’s worth taking note of!

4. Kissmetrics


This blog is centered around analytics and conversion optimization solutions for marketers and agencies.

Kissmetrics specializes in helping marketers measure and optimize using data, data, and more data. For example, this article about how analytics fit into customer experience is a prime example of how customer experience and analytics go hand in hand. Kissmetrics shines because of its data driven analytic approach. The power of numbers could not be more true and this blog highlights that perfectly offering the information you need, everything from landing page optimization, form creation, and copy writing.

5. Klientboost


A prime source for PPC and CRO content for companies, in particular ecommerce.

Klientboost’s business consists of PPC marketing and landing pages, the ultimate pairing.

E-commerce businesses especially should take note of their blog and utilize the great information it has to offer, including this article about PPC keywords comparing gold to keywords, the same thing right? Other quality content including PPC optimization, landing pages, and AdWords display network tips.

6. Duct Tape Marketing

Duct Tape Marketing

Their blog offers articles about general marketing best practices with a category dedicated to lead conversion.

Unlike some of these other blogs, Duct Tape Marketing focuses on the Mom and Pop shop. This small business approach is reflected in their voice. Their latest article about lead magnets to increase conversions is a must read, along with the other amazing content throughout the website.

7. Conversioner


Last but not least, this blog takes on a new approach when it comes to conversion optimization with an emphasis on emotional/psychology.

This blog is meant for anyone looking to take a different approach to conversion tracking, written by a conversion optimization agency but with a new and creative spin.

Emotional vs rational triggers online marketing is a perfect example of taking a look at the emotional aspect behind conversion tracking. To me, this blog is a star because instead of focusing on strictly numbers it incorporates the human aspect back into marketing, something that is growing more and more overlooked as time and technology progress.

Final Thoughts

Each one of these blogs provide amazing high-quality content to optimize your campaign to the fullest. Click fraud is just a drop in the bucket when it comes to successfully executing your PPC campaign. It’s important to check out a wide range of these blogs to make sure you’re getting a variety of quality information needed in order to achieve the most success and improve conversion rates.